Are you aware you can now have your Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) remotely witnessed via a video call? What is the NOIM? The NOIM is essential for getting married in Australia. It must be lodged with your celebrant a minimum of one month prior to your wedding and is valid for up to 18 […]
How many funerals have you been to over the years? Loved ones, friends, neighbours, work colleagues. When we lose someone that has been a part of our life, we pause and take time out to come together. We pay our respects, say a final farewell and celebrate a life. As we have discovered, a global […]
Wedding days are special. Two people in love, exchanging vows and committing to be by each other’s side for the rest of their lives. It is so romantic. When everything goes to plan, the wedding day is perfect. But sometimes things don’t go to plan. Who could have predicted the impact of the current global […]